This project is a WIP and will be updated frequently. Please let me know if you spot any bugs or have any suggestions.

You take on the role of Arizona, a StarQik employee and professional Zero-G refueler.  Along the way you'll meet strangers and friends, make love or fuck depending on how you act and what your goals for life are.

About this version:

(7/12/23) Alpha 1 (0.1)

The very first alpha! The first part of one of the major storylines is completed. Check out Queenie, the Alligator smuggler who wants to pay you to spend some private attention. There are some secrets to find in this version, but some of the extras are in an unfinished state.

Extra storylines will come later down the line.

The next major update will feature a more romance focused storyline involving a friend/rival/foe who also works on the station.

See you soon Space Fueler!

Development log